
You can select the type Journal article if you want to see only the articles published in peer reviewed journals
Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities of Mediterranean Europe
Cities across Mediterranean Europe face common climatic threats. They are highly vulnerable and very likely to suffer losses and …
Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities of Mediterranean Europe
Quality of Urban Climate Adaptation Plans over Time
Defining and measuring progress in adaptation are important questions for climate adaptation science, policy, and practice. Here, we …
Quality of Urban Climate Adaptation Plans over Time
Carnet « Changement climatique et transition énergétique en région Île de France »
Alors même que les engagements pris par les États sur les questions climatiques peinent à se concrétiser, les villes et les communes, à …
Carnet « Changement climatique et transition énergétique en région Île de France »
Data paper: Plan Quality Characteristics of Local Climate Adaptation Plans in Europe
This dataset contains information on the characteristics of Local Climate Adaptation Plans in Europe. A sample of 328 medium- to large-sized cities across the formerly EU-28 was investigated.
Data paper: Plan Quality Characteristics of Local Climate Adaptation Plans in Europe
Economy-Energy-Environment Nexus and Its Impact on Green Growth in Cities: Final Report of Dragon Project
Final report of CIRED’s part of the DRAGON research project
Economy-Energy-Environment Nexus and Its Impact on Green Growth in Cities: Final Report of Dragon Project
Mapping the Benefits of Nature in Cities with the InVEST Software
Natural infrastructure such as parks, forests, street trees, green roofs, and coastal vegetation is central to sustainable urban …
Mapping the Benefits of Nature in Cities with the InVEST Software
Climate Mitigation in the Mediterranean Europe: An Assessment of Regional and City-Level Plans
In Europe, regions in the Mediterranean area share common characteristics in terms of high sensitivity to climate change impacts. Does …
Climate Mitigation in the Mediterranean Europe: An Assessment of Regional and City-Level Plans
Will Climate Mitigation Ambitions Lead to Carbon Neutrality? An Analysis of the Local-Level Plans of 327 Cities in the EU
Cities across the globe recognise their role in climate mitigation and are acting to reduce carbon emissions. Knowing whether cities …
Will Climate Mitigation Ambitions Lead to Carbon Neutrality? An Analysis of the Local-Level Plans of 327 Cities in the EU
Integration of Mitigation and Adaptation in Urban Climate Change Action Plans in Europe: A Systematic Assessment
Cities are major drivers of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions–the sources of anthropocentric climate change, whilst …
Integration of Mitigation and Adaptation in Urban Climate Change Action Plans in Europe: A Systematic Assessment
Research and Innovation Needs to Decarbonise European Cities
Sustainable and inclusive decarbonisation of European cities is a pre-requisite for achieving carbon neutrality at the EU level. As …
Research and Innovation Needs to Decarbonise European Cities
Early Adaptation to Heat Waves and Future Reduction of Air-Conditioning Energy Use in Paris
Some actions intended to adapt to climate change may do more harm than good, especially when they consume energy, making it more …
Early Adaptation to Heat Waves and Future Reduction of Air-Conditioning Energy Use in Paris
The POLL-EXPO Project (Public Policies, Urban Organization and Logistics as Levers for EXPOsure).
The POLL-EXPO Project (Public Policies, Urban Organization and Logistics as Levers for EXPOsure).
Modeling urban expansion across a panel of diverse cities
Poster at the IPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, Edmonton, Canada
Modeling urban expansion across a panel of diverse cities
Impacts, Adaptation et Vulnérabilité Des Systèmes Naturels et Humains En Europe
This article analyses the observed and projected impacts of climate change on human and natural systems, their vulnerability and …
Impacts, Adaptation et Vulnérabilité Des Systèmes Naturels et Humains En Europe
Adapting Cities to Climate Change: A Systemic Modelling Approach
Societies have to both reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and undertake adaptation measures to limit the negative impacts of global …
Adapting Cities to Climate Change: A Systemic Modelling Approach
Territoires Urbains Durables et Adaptation Aux Changements Climatiques
Afin de faire émerger de nouveaux projets éligibles aux financements du Fonds Français pour l’environnement mondial (FFEM) sur la …
Territoires Urbains Durables et Adaptation Aux Changements Climatiques
A Review and Analysis of Quantitative Integrated Environmental Assessment Methods for Urban Areas
An introduction to the challenges facing urban areas and the urgent need to make them more sustainable: - A key challenge is the …
A Review and Analysis of Quantitative Integrated Environmental Assessment Methods for Urban Areas
Modélisation Urbaine et Stratégies d'adaptation Au Changement Climatique Pour Anticiper La Demande et La Production d'énergie
Modélisation Urbaine et Stratégies d'adaptation Au Changement Climatique Pour Anticiper La Demande et La Production d'énergie
IPCC SREX: Toward a Sustainable and Resilient Future
Actions that range from incremental steps to transformational changes are essential for reducing risk from weather and climate extremes …
IPCC SREX: Toward a Sustainable and Resilient Future
Cities Vulnerability to Future Heat Waves & Adaptation Strategies
L'agglomération Parisienne Au XXIème Siècle: Leçons d'un Exercice de Prospective