1. Cross-cutting issue I: Introduction

Introduction to climate change and greenhouse gases emissions

In this lecture, we quickly cover the basics of the greenhouse effect and of climate change. It is an introductory lesson meant to be sure that these notions are correctly understood, as they are important to understand the issues around urban climate policies.

What is climate change, and what are the greenhouse gases?


Download the presentation First part and second part.

Video presented in the course

CO2 concentration in the atmosphere during one year.

References cited in the course

Evolution of greenhouse gases emissions

How much time do we have to act?

See also

Another explanation of the carbon budget:


The historical evolution of GHG emissions

This is the course as it was presented in 2020. The slides with updated figures can be found here (but the main messages are still valid today).

Until 2020

The impacty of Covid 19 on emissions


All the figures are coming from the Global Carbon Project.

Who is responsible for climate change?

Download the presentation


The figures are coming from the Global Carbon Project, the report “Chiffres clés du climat, France, Europe et Monde”, and the 2023 report of the French High Panel for Climate Change (Haut Conseil pour le Climat).

To know more
